With more than 3,000 students, enrolled in two bachelor programmes and five master programmes, the Gutenberg School of Management and Economics offers a great variety of courses. Lectures are taught in air-conditioned auditoriums. Computer pools, a big library and a cafeteria permit comfortable study conditions.
With 35,000 students from more than 130 nations, the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) ranks as one of Germany's largest universities and is the scientific and academic center of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. The University of Mainz is proud to be an international university featuring Germany’s highest percentage of international students: approximately 12%.
Exchange Students
Incoming exchange students find a broad choice of courses offered in German and in English. In addition to accounting, finance, management and economics, the Johannes Gutenberg University features a rich spectrum of complementary offers.
While lectures and seminars at the GSME are usually held in German, there is also an increasing number of courses in English at Bachelor level and at Master level.

Degree Programs
M. Sc. International Economics
and Public Policy
M.Sc. Quantitative Decision Making
in Economics and Management
Welcome to Mainz
Arriving in Mainz is facilitated by special events and initiatives:
- "Infodays" for newly enrolled students and "Orientation Days" for foreign students seeking a degree.
Both events are meant to introduce international students to Mainz and to the German university system. During these days we offer a number of events and presentations covering various academic, administrative and social topics. - Starting your studies as an International Student
- Practical Guide for International Students
- Dormitories, buddy program and more: Studierendenwerk Mainz
- Course-related offers in cooperation with the protestant and catholic university student community: Stube Rheinland-Pfalz / Saarland
- Ambassador Program at Gutenberg School of Management and Economics
- Join us for an international evening to get to know your fellow students
- Welc0m3 Mentoring Program

Contact us
Erasmus Office at GSME
Coordinated by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Philipp Harms
Office hours: Tuesday 11 am - 12 pm (by phone)
Tel +49 6131 39-26522
E-mail erasmus-wiwi@uni-mainz.de
Postal adress: JGU Mainz, FB 03 ERASMUS WiWi, 55099 Mainz, Germany
Fax: +39 6131 39-25527
International Office at GSME
Contact: Leska Sahl & Svenja Telgheder
Tel +49 6131 39-27226
E-mail fb03-international@uni-mainz.de
Postal adress: JGU Mainz, Studienbüro FB 03, 55099 Mainz, Germany
International Office at JGU
Johannes Gutenberg University, Forum universitatis 2, 55099 Mainz, Germany
Tel +49 6131 39-22122 (for students and applicants)
Fax +49 6131 39-27018