Studies @ GSME – Fact Sheet

About studies at GSME

3000    App. 3000 JGU students attend courses in Business Administration, Management, Economics and Business & Economics Education.
51 Out of more than 120 open courses, 51 courses are taught in English. List of Courses 2023/2024
27        The GSME staff is composed of 27 full-time professors and many more lecturers.
8          The school offers 2 Bachelor degree programs and 6 Master degree programs.
3          Double degree programs with Université Paris Nanterre, Université Clermont-Auvergne and Warsaw School of Economics are the highlights of a rich international student and teaching staff mobility network.


Sound background
  • Excellent research activities
  • Strong network of academic partners
  • Large student community
  • Access to a broad spectrum of interdisciplinary lectures
Strong support
  • International Office at GSME: Dedicated to double degree students, incoming students and staff mobility.
  • ERASMUS office at GSME: For incoming and outgoing students in the ERASMUS programme.
  • International Mentoring Program: Local students provide guidance and support for international students, helping in overcoming problems at the beginning of the studies at GSME and offering linguistic and emotional support
Studenten in Vorlesung


Bachelor level, in German

3 years, 180 ECTS
Selected advanced modules are offered in English.

  • B.Sc. Management and Economics: Contents in the field of Economics, Business Studies, Mathematical Methods and General Basics, specializations in International Economics and Public Policy, Finance & Accounting and Marketing, Management & Operations.
  • B.Sc. Business and Economics Education: Economics contents are being combined with a second selectable core subject (i.e. English or Social Sciences) with Economics Education, content didactics and school-related practical contents.

Master level, in German

2 years, 120 ECTS
Selected modules are offered in English.

  • M.Sc. Accounting and Finance: Provide in-depth scientific expertise in the fields of taxation, corporate governance and finance for the training of managers in business and administration and for the promotion of young economists.
  • M.Sc. Management: Provide in-depth scientific expertise in the fields of international management, marketing, information and logistics accounting for the training of managers in business and administration and for the promotion of young economists.
  • M.Sc. and M.Ed. Business and Economics Education: Building on the Bachelor program in Business and Economics Education, mediates expertise in initiating, developing and regulating (business related) vocational training in different schools and companies.

Master level, in English

2 years, 120 ECTS
No German language required.


International Office at GSME

Contact: Svenja Telgheder, Leska Sahl, Kai Pastor
Tel +49 6131 39-27226
Postal adress: JGU Mainz, Studienbüro FB 03, 55099 Mainz, Germany


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Philipp Harms
Chair of International Economics