About studies at GSME
3000 | App. 3000 JGU students attend courses in Business Administration, Management, Economics and Business & Economics Education. |
51 | Out of more than 120 open courses, 51 courses are taught in English. List of Courses 2023/2024 |
27 | The GSME staff is composed of 27 full-time professors and many more lecturers. |
8 | The school offers 2 Bachelor degree programs and 6 Master degree programs. |
3 | Double degree programs with Université Paris Nanterre, Université Clermont-Auvergne and Warsaw School of Economics are the highlights of a rich international student and teaching staff mobility network. |
Sound background |
Strong support |

Bachelor level, in German
3 years, 180 ECTS
Selected advanced modules are offered in English.
- B.Sc. Management and Economics: Contents in the field of Economics, Business Studies, Mathematical Methods and General Basics, specializations in International Economics and Public Policy, Finance & Accounting and Marketing, Management & Operations.
- B.Sc. Business and Economics Education: Economics contents are being combined with a second selectable core subject (i.e. English or Social Sciences) with Economics Education, content didactics and school-related practical contents.
Master level, in German
2 years, 120 ECTS
Selected modules are offered in English.
- M.Sc. Accounting and Finance: Provide in-depth scientific expertise in the fields of taxation, corporate governance and finance for the training of managers in business and administration and for the promotion of young economists.
- M.Sc. Management: Provide in-depth scientific expertise in the fields of international management, marketing, information and logistics accounting for the training of managers in business and administration and for the promotion of young economists.
- M.Sc. and M.Ed. Business and Economics Education: Building on the Bachelor program in Business and Economics Education, mediates expertise in initiating, developing and regulating (business related) vocational training in different schools and companies.
Master level, in English
2 years, 120 ECTS
No German language required.
- M.Sc. International Economics and Public Policy: Designed for students who aim to understand both the opportunities and the challenges faced by private and public decision-makers in an increasingly integrated world economy.
- M.Sc. Quantitative Decision Making in Economics and Management: Designed to train students to acquire, understand and analyze data and to select appropriate analysis methods from a broad toolkit of up-to-date quantitative approaches.
Accounting and Finance
International Economics
Public Policy
More Information
About the GSME: https://en.wiwi.uni-mainz.de/gsme/
Annual Review: https://en.wiwi.uni-mainz.de/gsme/annual-review/
International Students Info: https://en.wiwi.uni-mainz.de/international-students/
International Office at GSME
Contact: Svenja Telgheder, Leska Sahl, Kai Pastor
Tel +49 6131 39-27226
E-mail fb03-international@uni-mainz.de
Postal adress: JGU Mainz, Studienbüro FB 03, 55099 Mainz, Germany
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Philipp Harms
Chair of International Economics